Setting Up

To get started, you will have to add the Instagram Channel from the Growlytics HelpDesk. You can do that by carrying out the following steps. You can also watch this quick tutorial and demo

Step 1 - Adding the Channel

  1. Log in to your Growlytics dashboard.

  2. Go to Conversations > Settings > Inboxes > Add Inbox Channel

  3. Select Instagram and click on Install > Connect Instagram Account

Step 2 - Connecting Meta Account

  1. Log in to the required Meta account

  2. Select the required Instagram account and give permissions

  3. Connect/Reconnect your Meta Account to the Growlytics Messaging Connector

Step 3 - Setting up the Instagram Channel

  1. Choose the required account from the list and click on set up

You have successfully added your Instagram channel. You will now be able to view any comments on posts, reels, and replies to stories on the Growlytics HelpDesk and can address customer queries from one inbox.

Last updated