WhatsApp Cart Summary

Add a variable to WhatsApp messages for Abandoned Cart automations. This allows you to include a comprehensive Cart Summary in your communication with customers. This improvement is significant compared to the previous version, which only allowed you to share information about a single product in the customer's abandoned cart.

With the Cart Summary feature, you can now provide customers with a complete overview of all the products they have added to their cart. This includes details such as product names, quantities, prices, and any applicable discounts. By offering this detailed summary, you can enhance the customer experience and increase the chances of them completing their purchase.

Utilize this feature effectively in two simple steps:

  1. Add a WhatsApp block to your automation.

  2. Edit the block and set up a variable within your automation system that can store the cart information. This variable will serve as a container for all the products in the customer's cart.

You can now leverage the Cart Summary feature in your Abandoned Cart automations to provide customers with a comprehensive overview of the products in their cart. This upgrade enhances the effectiveness of your communication strategy and improves the likelihood of customer conversions.

Last updated