SendGrid Integration


SendGrid provides SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) services, allowing users to utilize their mail servers for sending emails. It is an ideal choice when dealing with a high volume of emails, as manually handling such quantities would be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

If you have any queries, reach out to us at


  1. Ensure you have access to your SendGrid account.

  2. Ensure that your SendGrid account is set up and configured.

Configure SendGrid account

You can sign up for SendGrid at and select your pricing plan. After account creation, you can optionally white-label your domain in your account by clicking on the 'Set Up + Configure' button.

Add a new domain and click on 'Save'. Then you can add the SendGrid specified TXT Records in your domain's DNS settings. This will remove 'via' seen by email recipients.

Configure SendGrid on the Growlytics Dashboard

To configure SendGrid on Growlytics, login to your Growlytics dashboard and go to Settings > Email > Add Provider > Select 'SendGrid' from the drop-down.

When SendGrid is selected, you will be asked to provide the SendGrid API key and email address.

  1. API KEY: Generate and put SendGrid API key here.

  2. From Email Address: Email id you want to use to send emails from Growlytics. Make sure the email id that you mention here is approved on SendGrid.

Configure SendGrid Webhooks For Delivery Reports.

Next, to receive delivery reports from SendGrid, you will need to configure SendGrid webhooks.

  1. Login to your SendGrid dashboard, go to Settings > Mail Settings > Event Webhooks. You will be seeing a popup to provide a webhook URL as shown in the screenshot below:

2. Copy the webhook URL from your Growlytics dashboard for SendGrid and paste it into the webhook input box on the SendGrid dashboard.

3. After configuring the webhook URL, the option for the following delivery events on the SendGrid dashboard: Dropped, Bounced, Delivered.

That's all you need to do for SendGrid integration. Make sure to send out a test campaign to confirm if the integration is working well.

If you have any queries, reach out to us at

Last updated