Creating WhatsApp Campaign

After reading this article you will become a WhatsApp Campaign Guru!

Creating a WhatsApp campaign is a 5 step process. Details for each step are mentioned below.

Step 1: Creating a Draft

  1. Login to your Growlytics Dashboard.

  2. Go to Campaigns > WhatsApp. You will see a list of all the WhatsApp campaigns.

  3. Click on 'Create WhatsApp Campaign' on the top right corner of the WhatsApp list page. You will be asked to give the name of the campaign.

  4. Enter the campaign name and click on the 'Create Campaign' button.

Step 2: Provide Basic Campaign Details

The first step of the campaign is 'Basic Info'. Here you will need to provide general information about the campaigns like campaign name, etc.

  1. Campaign Name: Provide the campaign name for your reference.

  2. Campaign Send Time: Specify when you want to send the campaign. Use 'Start Immediately' to send the WhatsApp message when the campaign is published. Or use 'Start Later' and provide the scheduled date and time to send the WhatsApp message.

  3. UTM Tracking: Specify UTM parameters to be mentioned in the links which customers will click on within the emails.

Step 3: Specify Target Audience

In this step, you can specify the customers you want to send WhatsApp messages to. There are 4 options to choose from:

  1. All Customers: Send WhatsApp to all the customers.

  2. To Segment: Send WhatsApp to customers who belong to a particular segment.

  3. To Custom Segment: Target a specific set of customers without creating a segment for them.

  4. To Static List: Send WhatsApp to customers who belong to a particular static segment.

Step 4: Specify WhatsApp Contents

The following details need to be provided for WhatsApp content:

  1. WhatsApp Provider: Specify which WhatsApp provider you want to use to send WhatsApp messages.

  2. WhatsApp Message Content: Create personalized WhatsApp messages to be sent to the customers. Make sure the message contents match that of the template approval. To test the template match, you can send a test message to yourself to make sure you are receiving the messages and template contents are matching.

  3. Using Short-links: If you are using short links inside the WhatsApp message, you can generate short links and put them inside the message.

Step 5: Review & Launch the Campaign

This is the final step of publishing the campaign. You can review the details specified at each campaign step and you can launch the campaign.

Tracking Campaign Progress

Click here to learn how to do campaign tracking and revenue tracking.

Last updated