Conversion Tracking

For each message being sent from Growlytics via a campaign or journey, Growlytics automatically tracks conversions. This allows you to analyze the performance of your owned marketing channels across your account. In this article, you will learn what conversion tracking entails, and how to set up conversion tracking according to your requirements.

How Conversions are Attributed to a Campaign?

A user may receive several campaigns through multiple channels, each nudging them to perform a similar action. Attributing conversions to a particular campaign can be tricky in such situations as each user can interact with multiple campaigns before they decide to make a purchase.

By default Deepest-Latest attribution model is set for attribution tracking, to change this setting, you can reach out to our support team via the dashboard chat option or contact your account manager.

Deepest - Latest Attribution Model (Recommended)

A two-step conversion attribution model, that helps attribute the conversion of each user to the right campaign. In this model, the last campaign with the deepest engagement will be attributed to the campaigns.

With this model, all the campaigns sent to customers are considered if they are within tracking the deadline. The last campaign among these will be attributed with the deepest engagement.

Deepest engagement means that customers who have done the last click/open will get more priority than the campaigns without any actions. Let's take a few use cases to understand this.

  1. Use Case 1: User Receives 2 Campaigns with Same Conversion Event, Clicks on Both:

    • Let's assume that a user was sent an Email and an SMS on the same day (April 12), encouraging them to purchase products in their cart.

    • Conversion Deadline of 3 Days (April 15).

    • The user clicks on both campaigns and makes a purchase the next day (April 13).

    • Here's what the date-time stamps of the campaigns reveal:

      • Email Campaign: Clicked on April 13, 11:40 AM

      • SMS Campaign: Clicked on April 13, 8:45 PM

    • Hence, Conversion will be attributed to the SMS.

  2. Use Case 2: User Receives 2 Campaigns with Same Conversion Event, Interacts with Neither

    1. Let's assume a case where a user is sent 2 Emails in a day.

    2. Conversion Deadline of 12 Hours.

    3. The user interacts with neither but he places the order the same day.

    4. Here's what the date-time stamps of the campaigns reveal:

      • Email 1: Sent at 9 am

      • Email 2: Sent at 3 pm

      • Order placed by the user at 7 pm

    5. Thus, Conversion will be attributed to the last sent Email 2.

  3. Use Case 3: User Receives 2 campaigns, clicks on 1st campaign but doesn't interact with the second campaign sent after a few hours

    • Let's assume that a user was sent 2 campaigns in succession.

    • Conversion Deadline of 7 days.

    • Here's how they interacted with each campaign, within the conversion deadline:

      • Campaign 1: Clicks

        • Send date - April 2

        • Clicked on - April 2

        • Conversion deadline - 7 days (which means campaign events to attribute conversions to this campaign will be tracked till April 8.)

      • Campaign 2: Opens

        • Send date - April 4

        • Viewed on - April 5

        • Conversion deadline - 7 days (which means campaign events to attribute conversions to this campaign will be tracked till April 10.)

      • Campaign 3: Views

        • Send date - April 6

        • Viewed on - April 7

        • Conversion deadline - 7 days (which means campaign events to attribute conversions to this campaign will be tracked till April 12.)

    • The user purchased a subscription on April 8.

    • Which campaign is attributed to the conversion? As per the deepest-latest conversion attribution model:

      • Campaign 1 recorded the deepest interaction - Clicks

      • Campaign 3 recorded the latest interaction - View on April 7.

    • Thus, Conversion will be attributed to Campaign 1 as Clicks is given the highest priority

Last Open/Click Attribution Model

With this attribution model, if your customer has shown a specific activity with your marketing message(opened/clicked) and then places the order in your store, we attribute that sale to the last message your customer received. What is essential to know about the logic we apply is that:

  • there is a single attribution window for both Campaigns and Automations, across all channels;

  • an engagement with a marketing message is recorded when the Email message or Push Notification is opened, an SMS message is clicked;

  • the attribution window count starts after the customer shows engagement (opens or clicks);

  • the sale is attributed to the last message your customer has interacted with and only in case it falls in the attribution window domain;

Let's say that your Campaign is sent on January 1st. The attribution window is set to 5 days. The customer opens this Email Campaign on January 3rd. In that case, any order between January 3rd and January 8th will be attributed to the Email Campaign sent on January 1st, unless the customer opened another email within the attribution period. In that case, this sale will be attributed to the last email opened.

Why Growlytics chooses the above methods?

Based on our experience, this method has a severe advantage over others due to a variety of reasons:

  • We are not losing any sales because of the cross-device and cross-channel communication. If the customer opens the message on his phone and then places the order via desktop, our attribution won't fail, as it would with cookies or pixels. This method is also not vulnerable to the incognito window of the browser.

  • you may adjust the attribution according to your business average. If you see that most of the opens happen within the first 24-48 hours, you may leverage the tracking according to this number if it takes a little longer you may specify that number.

Note, since Growlytics is transferring to this method over the tracking by cookies, which was losing a vast number of sales due to the mentioned limitation, you may see a considerable increase in sales attributed to Growlytics.

Why is there a discrepancy with other services?

The answer to this question is straightforward - each of the services chooses its own way to attribute your sales. It is always hard to say what was the final drop that made your customer purchase. Whether it was enough to see your advert somewhere on Facebook or to see the email message in the inbox? Of course, it would be better to compare the information collected with different services and look at the average. However, at Growlytics, we believe that cross-device tracking is crucial in today’s super-connected world.

While the mobile plays an essential part in our buying habits, particularly in the research/consideration process, the actual conversion may happen on the laptop when you have more time for consideration. According to Facebook, more than 65% of conversions start on one device and are completed on another. So with this in mind, Growlytics reporting is going to be more representative of the conversions you get from your Growlyticscampaigns.


If I send a Campaign and Automation workflow was triggered, where would my sale be attributed? If your customer has opened both of the emails, the order placed within the attribution window will be assigned to the last email opened/clicked.

Will you attribute orders based on the discounts provided in the message? No, the attribution logic, doesn't check the source of the Discount code.

What happens with the attribution in case the Campaign is clicked twice or more? Only the first open or click can affect attribution.

Last updated