Creating Email Campaign

This article will help you create email campaigns like a pro!

Creating an email campaign is a 5 step process. Details for each step are mentioned below. Watch this video for a detailed tutorial.

Step 1: Set up an Email Campaign

  1. Login to your Growlytics Dashboard.

  2. Go to Campaigns > Email. You will see a list of all the email campaigns.

  3. Click on 'Create Email Campaign' on the top right corner of the email list page. You will be asked to give a name to the campaign.

  4. Enter the campaign name and click on the 'Create Campaign' button.

  5. You will now enter the basic information for your campaign, as follows,

    1. Campaign Name: Provide the campaign name for your reference.

    2. Campaign Send Time: Specify when you want to send the campaign. Use 'Start Immediately' to send the email when the campaign is published. Or use 'Start Later' and provide the scheduled date and time to send the emails.

    3. Frequency Capping: This will ensure your customers are not spammed with too many communications on the same day.

    4. UTM Tracking: Checking this option will help tag all the URLs used in your campaign and understand the source of traffic to that URL. It will also help you study campaign performance on platforms like Google Analytics.

Step 2: Specify Target Audience

In this step, you can specify the customers you want to send emails to. There are 4 options to choose from:

  1. All Customers: Send emails to all the customers synced on the Growlytics platform with their email IDs.

  2. To Segment: Send emails to customers who belong to a particular segment that you have created earlier.

  3. To Custom Segment: Target a specific set of customers by instantly creating a segment with the help of custom segment filters like User Attribute, Performed Event, and Not Performed Event.

  4. To Static List: Send emails to customers imported from a CSV list.

Step 3: Create Email Content

There are 3 ways you can build email content:

  1. With Drag & Drop Editor: Use the drag & drop editor to build an attractive email either from scratch or by using any of the pre-existing templates.

  2. With Normal Text Editor: If you want to send a simple text email, you can use a text editor and draft the email content.

  3. Using Custom HTML: If you have designed the email outside, you can just use that HTML with this option. For steps on how to do so, click here.

Follow these steps to create the content for your email:

  1. Add a catchy subject line and personalize it by adding tags like 'User Property', 'Event', 'Coupons', and 'Cart'.

  2. Add your brand name in the 'From Name' section and select your 'Email Provider' from the drop-down menu.

  3. Add a preview text to briefly describe the contents of your email and personalize it using tags.

  4. Add a 'Reply-To Email' ID for when customers respond to emails.

  5. Create the email using any of the three options mentioned above.

Pro Tip: Use the Drag & Drop Editor to create beautiful emails with a variety of pre-saved templates. Modify them to your liking and execute your email campaign in minutes!

  1. Click on 'Save and Continue' to proceed to the next step.

Pro Tip: Image Assets in the Campaign section gets a feature upgrade! You can now Bookmark images you use regularly. Say goodbye to endless scroll-searching.

Step 4: Enable Conversion Tracking

In this step, you will select the conversion tracking criteria for the email campaign.

Depending on the goal of your campaign, select the 'Don’t track revenue option' or the 'Track revenue' option. This means the conversions from this campaign will be tracked for 5 days after the campaign is sent out.

Step 5: Review and Launch

This final step allows you to review the entire campaign once and make any edits before you Launch the campaign.

Once your campaign is up and running, you will be redirected to the Campaign Overview Page. We will learn more about this in the next section.

Tracking Campaign Progress

Click here to learn how to track campaigns and revenue.

Last updated