How Growlytics Works

With this quick start guide to all things Growlytics, you will be up and running in a jiffy!

Hello there! You have arrived at the Growlytics platform where you get to utilize a plethora of features that will help your business grow. This guide will take you through the essential tips and tricks to help you get started as swiftly as possible.

The articles in this section will introduce you to the terminologies and features followed by a detailed walkthrough of the core concepts involved with operating the Growlytics platform. Further in this Help Center we will take a closer look at each idea and talk about how you can seamlessly integrate your system(s) with ours.

How Growlytics Works

The big picture - Growlytics stores data pertaining to your customer's profile, and activities. It allows you to send customized campaigns to these customers based on their profile details, past activities, and behavior.

Customer Profiles

The customer is the center of the universe at Growlytics. A customer profile is created for every user visiting your website or launching your mobile app. A customer profile consists of Attributes - like email id, mobile number, name, activity logs, devices, segments, etc.

Learn more about Customer Profiles here: Growlytics Customer Profiles


Activities performed by customers on your website or mobile app are called Events. Events can be used to trigger campaigns in response to audience activity on your system. Examples of events would be - Product Viewed, Add to Cart, Purchased, etc.

Learn more about Events here: Growlytics Events


Segments offer you the easiest way to group customers based on their attributes and behavior. For example, a segment of 'Loyal Customers' can comprise all those customers who spent more than 'x' amount on your website/app. Segments can be used to trigger campaigns, create suppression lists, broadcast audiences, custom conversion goals, and more.

Learn more about Segments here: Segments


Campaigns help you communicate with your customers. Through campaigns, you can broadcast messages with the click of a button, or send automated messages to customers when they do or do not perform certain activities on your website/app.

Learn more about Campaigns here: Campaigns Overview

Last updated