Campaign Settings

Good to know: Depending on the product you're building, it can be useful to explicitly document use cases. Got a product that can be used by a bunch of people in different ways? Maybe consider splitting it out!

Campaigns help you communicate with your customers. Through campaigns, you can broadcast messages with the click of a button, or send automated messages to customers when they do or do not perform certain activities on your website/app.

Campaign setting will enable you to make changes to or set certain parameters for all your campaigns.

One such parameter is Frequency Capping

It is natural that you will have multiple campaigns running at the same time. With your growing customer base, it is expected that one customer may fall into multiple segments. This will lead to that one customer receiving multiple communication from you and may result in unsubscription or even loss of a customer.

This is where Frequency Capping comes into play. This allows you to place a limit on the number of messages your customers receive over a given period of time. Thus ensuring that your customers are not bombarded with too many messages.

Head on to the next article to know more about setting up a Frequency Cap.

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